Monday, April 29, 2024


 Different Toxins In The Home.          HOW SAFE IS YOUR INDOOR AIR?  And The Problems They Can Cause. 

Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs). These are flame retardant chemicals found in many household items such as foam pillows and the foam stuffing in furniture. It is also found in sleepwear and flame retardant cribs. I wonder if a baby lying in a pile of chemicals has anything to do with SIDS? PBDEs also cause liver damage and thyroid problems.

BLEACH: Bleach has been shown to cause reproductive problems in men and behavioral problems in children.

CARPET CLEANING PRODUCTS: Many types of carpet cleaner are extremely toxic to children and can cause cancer and liver damage.

TOILET BOWL CLEANERS: Some toilet cleaners contain chlorine and hydrochloric acid, which are dangerous when inhaled.

CHLORINE: You can inhale chlorine gases while taking a hot shower. We have attatched a simple shower filter that takes out most of the chlorine.

FORMALDEHYDE, PHENOL, BENZENE, TOLUENE: These chemicals which are found in cosmetics, more commonly nail polish, beverages, fabrics (wallpapers) and common household cleaners, cause dizziness, insomnia, headaches, rashes, cancer and damage to the immune system.

RADON: Radon is a natural radioactive gas. Radon seeps through cracks in the basement, the surrounding foundation and well water. It is the 2nd leading cause of cancer in the United States.

LEAD: Lead is found in older paints, old plumbing and the soil near busy roads. It causes kidney and neurological damage, high blood pressure, disrupted cell production and reproductive problems.

CARBON DIOXIDE: This is found in furnaces that burn propane, butane or oil. It can cause cancer.

VINYL CHLORIDE: This is what gives a car the “new car smell”. Found in the plastic interior of new cars, this chemical can cause liver damage.

HYDROFLUORIC ACID: Commonly found in household rust removers, it can cause intense pain if it comes into contact with the skin.

FREON: Freon is what keeps refrigerators and air conditioning units cold. According to Dr. Hulda Clark, Freon was found in the cancerous internal organs of cancer patients. She suggests an alternative refrigerant called Forane that is easier for the body to handle.

PHTHALATES: These chemicals are used in nail polish, toys, adhesives, paint and PVC plastics. These are clear liquids used as plasticizers; they make fragrances last longer and make things bend. They are found in everything from shower curtains to wall coverings to food storage containers to teething rings. They are toxic to the reproductive system and can cause cancer.

BENZOPYRENES: These are found in vehicle exhaust fumes, tobacco, burnt food and wood smoke. They are also carcinogenic. In 2001, the National Cancer Institiute found high levels of benzopyrenes in steak, hamburgers, burnt toast, and chicken that were grilled and well-done. I once heard a story of a young woman who was in her 40’s, and in excellent shape who ran everyday. She had 2 small children. She ate all of her food grilled with minimum fat. She was diagnosed with cancer and within 6 months died. Her doctor stated she had high levels of benzopyrenes in her system due to all of the grilling and charring of foods.

TEFLON: The Environmental Protection Agency has stated that perfluorooctanoic acid–PFOA (a chemical produced to make Teflon) is carcinogenic and causes hypothyroidism. It is a chemical used in the manufacture of Teflon coatings in cookware. Environmental Groups explain that PFOA does not break down and seems to last in the environment forever. When the blood of several hundred children was studied in 2001, 96% of the blood samples contained PFOA.



Our INDOOR AIR is not exactly what we presume it to be. We are without our knowledge, inhaling anything up to 60 different types of toxins or more, along with dust, viruses, bacteria and air borne particulates. None are visible.  Do add pet furs, if you do have pets indoors. YES! all of them as mentioned above with the occupied space of our bedrooms and home.   
Repeat: YES! all of the above are within the space enclosures of our walls, including within the comfort of our bedrooms and home. Do not be shocked, further. if you happen to live with closed doors and windows, you are breathing in more of the carbon dioxide that you exhaled, and lesser oxygen that you already have inhaled and "finished".  

INDOOR AIR is already said to be many time more polluted, even up to ten times, worse off than the outdoor air. Outdoor air is cleaner for nature takes care of it with its mist, rain and shower, to have the outdoor air water washed. At home and also in offices and people occupied space, the air is of negative value and its effects on the human body and health of families and occupants is varied, damaging, disease causing and even deaths. 

What then is this alarming cause of polluted indoor air? 
We ourselves are the cause. The variety of consumer products that we use at home are the polluters of indoor air. They contain harmful chemicals. These are believed to be the cause of physical illness and behavioral disorders in children such as ADHD/ADD. 

The accumulation of toxins in the body is linked to degenerative diseases, cancer, allergic reactions and autism. These toxins are dangerous because they are small enough to become lodged in the lungs and circulated to the entire body with the blood. Toxins and pollutes get transmitted through the blood. Children are more at risk as their brains and organs are still developing. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

TRAINEE Home Consultants.


A Direct Sales Career is as good a Self Employment choice. 
You get to be trained. You get to practice self management and self discipline. You begin the journey to team management and eventually to be a Unit Manager.  

Male and female candidates aged above 23 are invited to join us in Malaysia. You may want to know more, join us to learn and to gain 
experience and to plan a future growth in a direct sales career.  

You are invited to become one by growing yourself into a managerial position. We are recruiting, training and coaching with practicals sessions to develop yourself from a Direct Distributor to Unit Manager.

As a Team Manager, you can choose to get be so within Selangor or any other state. Candidates must be aged 23 or above. You may be with or without experiences. You must have access to a car to be accepted. Good spoken English is to your advantage. Any level of education is acceptable. Graduates are encouraged. 

You are invited to evaluate your own suitability. All terms are equal and preset for all accepted applicants. Discover this awaiting opportunity to begin distributorship within Selangor. 

You get very attractive commissions and performance related travel incentives. Your earnings are paid weekly. Incentives, awards and prizes are paid on prescribed dates. Know more about this real opportunity. Become a team leader, supervisor and then a unit manager. If you are  motivated to know more and to join us,do call me on 016-3712762. We will schedule and arrange to meet the soonest to discuss, evaluate and to decide.  

Monday, April 15, 2024


 Indoor Air Pollution on our health!!  

Why is there this sudden attention to #IndoorHealth?                                    Why has #IndoorAirQuality earned a bad name? and now lbelled as        #INDOORAIRPOLLUTION. #IndoorAir Quality refers to the quality of indoor air within all people occupied space. Be it home, office, malls, gyms, hospitals and even in schools or vehicles. 

#Airquality within people occupied space has deteriorated so very much, that the commonest of expressions is that #indoorair is up to ten times or more worse off than the #outdoorair. Why has this become of concern? This is so because indoor air quality has a parallel relationship with health, well being and  generally the comfort of indoor occupants. 

If we choose to know, to understand and decide to practice control and initiate preventive measures,  
we can reduce a variety of indoor health related 
risks. What had been due a long time ago, needs doing urgently today to bring about a healthier life and living. 

Life would be better if we deliberately choose to realise this not seen but existing truth. Better acted upon than to regret. Better to correct and prevent worsening effects on health. 

Do we know or realise that there are enough immediate effects from indoor air pollution. Some effects may not be so immediate, while some others may show upon us, many years later.  

Immediate Effects

Have you not walked into a room or indoor space, and become uncomfortable. Have you not started sneezing, or had a runny nose? Did you suddenly start to  scratch and that urge kind of spread all over the body? Has your eyes become  teary? Sometimes after being several hours indoors, a feeling of tiredness or lethargy begins to dominate you. These are common and there are more. Have you not said, "let's step ou for some fresh air". That is your body calling you to.  

The above are short term immediate effects of polluted indoor space on health. These are examples of short term single exposures to air borne indoor air pollutes. Irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat are the commonest. A head ache, or feeling dizzy could come about. These are easily treatable. The easiest way is to step out. The moment you step out into outdooe air, all those symptomatic reactions disappear. Just that avoidance of exposure to indoor air was the first remmedy. There are also cases where wheezing suddenly comes about for persons with inherent asthma. Asthma got triggered. 

Many factors trigger reactions to indoor air pollutes. Nil exposure to very polluted air. Age factor maybe another. Poor, weak or preexisting medical status of respiratory health could also react to poor indoor air. What about sensitivity to allergens and those with poor immunity. Sometimes it is the chemical gaseous pollutes in the air. Any form of poor tolerances can aggravate.  

Do pay attention when such symptomatic reactions surfaces. If the symptoms fade, go away or disappears when not in that given area, choose to identify the causes. Coorect or remove the causes. Make an effort to test indoor air of its source. Also cause for increased indoor air pollutes, is the lack of supply of outdoor air coming indoors. Incoming air helps dilute the content of the existing indoor air. Air flow and air exchange is important. Open all windows, twice or thrice daily. Practice air ventilation.  

Be regular with #aircleaning. Home indoors, #BEDROOM & #Mattresscleaning is as good a weekly must. Unbelievable dust and pollutes content have accumulated indoors and need to be rid or reduced. Check. Correct home indoor reality. #INDOORAIR & #POLLUTION hurts slowly.

#Selangor and Kuala Lumpur families may call 016-3712762